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Re: ..OT: Watch your snow load!

On Sat, Dec 23, 2006 at 04:07:35PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > Why?  Well drilling is hardly high-tech: it's well over 100 years old.  You
> > should be able to pick up an old cable-drilling rig in Texas for scrap
> > price.  For that matter, you could drive a well to 12 meters.  There also
> > some interesting "low tech" approaches.  
> > Google "drilled well" OR "tubewell".
> Probably because at US$6/day it's *still* cheaper to dig by hand.
There is also the issue of maintenance.  I seem to recall an IEEE
Spectrum article about power infrastructure in Iraq.  Several years ago,
literally billions into building and rebuilding power stations and
substations.  After just a couple of years, they were nearly all
derelict or inoperable.  The reason was that while lots of great
equipment was installed by GE and other well known names in the electric
power business, the Iraqis who were brought in to run the new stations
were given no training on maintenance.  (I'd hate to be the guy who
overlooked that small detail).



Roberto C. Sanchez

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