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Re: if I were a newbie how would I get sound?

Douglas Tutty wrote:

> Before I poked around the usual way I wanted to make sure there was no
> new snazzy sound auto setup.  It seems there isn't.

There isn't... but you shouldn't need one. Alsa should work after you run

> I'm not sure why nothing depends on alsa packages.  It seems strange
> (from a newbie perspective) that one could install a CD player and not
> get the package that's necessary to actually hear the CD.

Lots of stuff depend on alsa. apt-cache rdepends libasound2 shows 218
packages in my sid box (although I have some non official debian
repositories). Also, lots of players don't really need alsa, but rather
need a sound engine, such as gstreamer or xine, which in turn needs alsa.
So the dependency would be indirect. On the other hand, other apps use OSS,
but alsa provides a compatibility layer, so they will work too.

Remember that alsa is made of lots of parts: kernel modules, the user
interface libraries and some client tools. That's why noone depends on the
alsa-* packages.

> Maybe its one of those things that will get fixed before Etch is
> released?

Right now, (supposedly) only bug fixes will be accepted into etch. New
features most probably won't get into etch.


Felipe Sateler

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