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Re: Newbie no go with VCD's and mov files with Etch i386.

Hi Nik,

On 12/10/06, Nik <nik@cheddarcheese.de> wrote:
In article <[🔎] 828122ea0612101044u4fc4df92ja6e1a0937e3ec9d2@mail.gmail.com>,
   Brian Durant <interlists@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know this problem comes up on a regular basis, but I can't play
> VCD's or .mov files with Etch i386. I have googled, checked the list
> archives, looked in a number of books I have at home on Linux, etc.
> and from what I have read, I believe I have downloaded all of the
> necessary libs and codex, but still no luck. I have tried with
> Mplayer, VLC and Totem.

> To make matters worse, Totem has started crashing as soon as I start
> the program.

This also happened to me, so I changes the backend to xine:
aptitude install totem-xine

I just checked Synaptic and for some reason I have both the so called
totem "dummy package" as well as totem-xine.




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