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Re: KDE login

Leslie Rhorer wrote:
I'm running KDE under Debian Sarge, and it won't allow me to log in as root. I need to be able to do this, and a root login works fine on the machine running Woody. How can I configure this newer version of KDE to allow root logins? Also, when I use XDMCP to log in to the old machine running Woody, the login script pops up virtually immediately upon opening the X-session in the X-server, but when I open an X-session to the new machine running Sarge, it takes overe a minute for the login script to pop up. The new machine has *MUCH* more horsepower than the old machine, and indeed once the login is complete, the new machine's performance is extremely good, but both when starting the X-sesion and after logging out, it takes better than a minute for the login to appear. Is there some way to eliminate this delay?

I remove kde and of course kdm since a while but I do remember that I changed into /etc/kdm/.kdmrc allowroot login to true and it does the job. I'm sure about the exact name and location of that file but if you look for root into it you will find out where it is. It's defaulted to false for obvious security reason. Hoping this helps.


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