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Re: Something different -- playing with the Hurd

* Andrew Sackville-West <andrew@farwestbilliards.com> [2006 Dec 06 01:25 -0600]:

> I've been thinking about it, but haven't had the time. Do you now have
> a working install? how about X?

I would say that it is mostly working.  So far I haven't been able to
cleanly shutdown the system.  It doesn't (yet) support Ctl-Alt-Del to
force a shutdown from the console and running any variant of the
shutdown command led to an error that it timed out waiting for
/dev/initctl.  Since it only uses ext2, at some point I fully expect a
few problems with fsck recovery,

I have not gotten far enough to install X as of yet.  I have a good
base install.  Thankfully Midnight Commander is available.  I did
install it on a spare partition on my T23 so the basic support for the
laptop is there as it had no problem with the built-in ethernet.  Now,
as to whether PCMCIA, sound, power control or anything like that is
supported, I don't yet know.  My guess is that such support is
rudimentary at best if existant at all.

At this point, my assessment is that it's suitable for experimentation.
At least it is Debian so it has that advantage.

- Nate >>

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