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Re: Roundcube mail

On Sun, 2006-11-19 at 20:35 +0700, Mihira Fernando wrote:
> > Anyone know of anything special I have to do here?
> http://trac.roundcube.net/trac.cgi/wiki/Howto_Install

That is the one (or one of the ones) I used.

> Check your php-mysql libraries. Maybe you're missing something there.
I have this installed:

php5-mysql 5.1.6-1~bpo.1

I'm running ISPconfig on the machine, which uses it's own compiled
apache and php.  One of the addon packages is rouncube (already
configured, hou just upload the pkg file.

I copied that out into the hosting space, and I'm still getting the same
error, so I know it's not a configuration problem.

But for everything else the php/mysql interaction seems to work OK.  I
know there is, amongst other things, squirrelmail and phpBB running on
the same box.

> Also your IMAP server needs to be up and running as well.
It is.

I was just hoping that someone has seen this error and have an idea.
I've seen several posts about it online, but non pointing me to a
solution that works.


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