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Re: Found a possible bug, but not sure of the package


In the apt-get manpage, it is specified that setting the -y option makes apt-get to run in non-interactive mode.
It seems that it is not enough for ucf to work well in non-interactive mode.

Do you think I have to open a bug for the ucf package or not ?


Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:

On Wed, Nov 15, 2006 at 12:27:55PM +0100, Léonard Wauters wrote:
Seems that ucf tries to read from /dev/tty even when not run from a
terminal. In fact, line 791, /dev/tty is read by the script, however, it
seems to me that this special device doesn't exists when there is no

We use udev to manage /dev/*.
Our release is Debian Sarge 3.1.
The system is actually run on a Pentium 4 3GHz.

It's the first time that apt-get asks for questions when run by cron-apt on our systems.

Is it a "bug" of ucf, or a configuration problem ?

I think not.  Your default configuration mode is probably set to either
dialog or interactive.  This assumes that you will always be running
from a terminal.  I think if you reconfigure debconf and/or ucf with
priority low, it will ask you the quesion again and you can choose a
non-interactive mode.  Alternatively, there may a be a command-line
option you can pass along to apt-get in the cron-apt config that will
accomplish the same thing.




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