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Re: Reporting brute force ssh login attempts

On Wednesday 15 November 2006 18:51, Shri Shrikumar wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a few servers on which there is a regular penetration attempts
> using brute force password guessing bots.
> There is little risk to the server but am getting more and more annoyed
> by this and as far as I can see am left with two options.
> 1. Report each ip address that does this. However, a lot of them seems
> to be from asia with no proper abuse@ address to contact. Additionally,
> this can be very time consuming.
> 2. Change the port number that ssh uses to something else. This has the
> annoyance that I need to pass the new port number in each time I want to
> log-in.
> 3. Ignore the issue. Very annoying since logwatch and logcheck
> constantly complain about it. However, I can add filters so it annoys me
> less.
> Is there a another option? Alternatively, is there a way of
> automatically reporting offending ip's?
> Any input in this matter greatly appreciated.
> Best Wishes,
> Shri

	Hello Shri,

	A handy tool I use to cut down on ssh brute force attacks is fail2ban :  You 
can install  it from backports.org. 
Add the backport url to your sources.list
Then after you have installed fail2ban comment out www.backports.org url in 
your apt sources.list so that you will not bring in any unwanted packages in 
the future.



              peter colton

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