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Re: Wanted: decent GNOME player with MP4/AAC support

On 11/11/06, André Wendt <andre.wendt@web.de> wrote:

I'm so sick of it. I'm a Debian/testing user running GNOME and would
like to find a decent music player with AAC support. I know this must
have been asked here or elsewhere a thousand times before, but I have
been searching the WWW for too long now.

I haven't been able to find a player that suits my needs. Maybe I
already have it, and just cannot play my files with it. I don't know. Or
maybe all of my 3 requests cannot be served at the same time. :)

What I want:

* MP4/AAC support (unencrypted files)
* manage/browse my music library, preferably with drag and drop support
* GNOME interface (anything that requires kdelibs is IMO not fast enough
and just looks ugly)

Whatever software I have looked at so far, at least one of the above
requirements were not met.

What I have looked at so far:

* Rhythmbox: Can't play MP4/AAC. Gives an error when importing those.
* MPlayer: No library, playback works fine.
* GNOME Listen: Can't play MP4/AAC, despite what was said on [1].
Ignores an import of those.
* Banshee: Can't play MP4/AAC. Imports them, but complains about their
format when wanting to play them.
* XMMS: MP3 sound quality is significantly worse compared to Rhythmbox.
I don't care if that's impossible, I can hear it. :)
* Amarok: Not GNOME, therefore not tested.

If I'm missing anything, please let me know. Don't worry about the
free-ness of your suggestions, I'd gladly install plugins or any other
required package from repos like debian-multimedia.org.

Please CC me, I'm not on this list. And please don't complain about
this, my request is CoC-compliant, as can be read on [2]. (We've had
this too many times on debian-laptop.)

If you need any more information about my setup, I'm happy to provide it.


[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/2006/08/msg00134.html
[2] http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct

Do you have Marillat's "gstreamer0.10-plugins-really-bad" package
installed? It uses libfaad2 which is apparently the best aac decoder
out there. If you have that, Rhythmbox and Banshee should be able
to handle aac.


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