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IBM eServer x series 206 RH-to-Debian migration

Greetings all, long-time Debian user, first-time poster here. So, I've got a predicament. I need to get Debian Etch on a box that is already an in-production HeadRat Enterprise server (RHEL 3.0 Typhoon 6), running a few production apps (Apache with a handful of VHosts, postfix, a ticketing system we use called GForge and it's attendant Postgres database, and a few NFS mounts). The company I work for no longer wants to pay the HeadRat extortion fee just to be able to download package updates and whatnot, so I am tasked with migrating all of our HeadRat servers over to Debian.

My big question is, does Debian work with the Adaptec SATA HostRAID controller that this IBM eServer x206 box has on it? I can't seem to find an Etch hardware compatability list, and all the docs I've seen on Google say that "the controller isn't supported. In kernel 2.4.ancient." I'd really hate to get to work on Saturday, get the RAID all reformatted and whatnot, only to find "Hey, Debian can't see my array. W00t!"

For the curious, my "grand scheme" and "backout plan" is to initially get the entire filesystem off the box via
"tar cvf - -C / . | ssh user@othermachine gzip -c \> backupfile.tar.gz"

(obviously with the flags to preserve permissions, stay on the local filesystem, etc). Once I have my 9 gig tarball located somewhere safe, format the drives, set up the array, and install a base Debian system. Once I'm safely booted into the new Debian kernel, I'd create /mnt/oldsystem or whatever and untar the old system back to that directory. I'd then apt-get install an app (say, Apache), then copy it's configuration files and volatile data back from /mnt/oldsystem. Rinse and repeat for the users, NFS mounts, fstab, ticket application, etc. and after a few hours I'll have my shiny new Debian system with all the old applications, data, and settings back on it. If for some reason that doesn't work and I need to revert back to the old system, I'd repartition the drives as they were before, boot a LiveCD, mount the partitions correctly under /target of the boot CD, then untar the whole thing back across the network. chroot to /target, run grub, reboot, and (ideally) I'd have the "old" system back in a pinch.

For those of you who managed to read this far (go YOU!) does that sound feasible, or am I doing far, far too much work?

Many thanks for your assistance!

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