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Re: keeps servers consistant (debs)

On Thu, 09 Nov 2006, Kevin Mark wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 04:16:56AM +0200, Ratiu Petru wrote:

> > Is there a way to do this in such a way to preserve aptitude's database,
> > too? I'm talking primarily about the auto/noauto status of packages.
> > 
> > I've previously used dpkg --set-selections < sel.txt && apt-get
> > dselect-upgrade and it worked like a charm, but I'm now considering to start
> > using aptitude for package management, as it's the recommended package
> > manager since sarge.
> Hi Ratiu,
> with the increasing use of aptitude in Debian, it would seem that an
> equivilant command that mirrors 'dpkg --get-selections' should be made
> for it. I guess maybe its time for a wishlist bug against aptitude. So
> basicially, if you can hack the aptitude source code, go to it :-) as
> many folks would be intereted in this.

Heh, if that would have been the case, I would have submitted a patch, not
asked silly questions on mailing lists ;-)

I figured that perhaps the functionality exists already (and it's just badly
documented), and it's better to ask around before opening useless wishlist
bugs, don't you think?

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