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pre-install not executed before loading a module

I'm using testing and I have TI SD reader in the laptop. For it to work, a pci register must be modified so before loading the modules mmc_core, mmc_block and sdhci I want to be executed this command:
setpci -s 02:0b.3 4c=0x22
To do this, I created a script in /usr/bin/change_pci_register, then I modified the file /etc/modules.d/actions by adding this line:
pre-install mmc_core /usr/bin/change_pci_register
then run update-modules and the change was visible in the file /etc/modprobe.conf (or modules.conf, I'm not at my desk now so I don't remember exactly). But after reboot the register remains unchanged. What am I missing here?

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