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Re: capturing terminal scrollback buffer?

On 09/29/2006 10:33 PM, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
anybody know how to capture the contents of a terminal scrollback
buffer? i've got about 1000 lines of debug stuff from a network
problem that I want to save, but its just sitting in the scroll back
buffer of an aterm. argh! how do I get it out of there without
copy/pasting it one screen at a time?


I don't have any experience with aterm. I'm using rxvt-xpm to test this right now. It must be done in two stages: copy the text before the last screen and copy the text on the last screen. An alternate x-terminal (or perhaps just a text-editor) must be available to paste into; in my test, I used "cat > output" in another x-terminal."

Stage 1--Copy the text before the last screen: Scroll back as far as you can and right-click the top-left portion of the window; the window highlights. Switch into the alternate x-terminal (or editor) and middle click to paste the text; this should be all of the text before the last screen.

Stage 2--Copy the text on the last screen: Go back to the last (bottom-most) screen in the original aterm. Right-click the bottom-right portion of the window; the window highlights. Switch into the alternate x-terminal (or editor) and middle click to paste the text; this should be the text on the last screen.

Good luck.


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