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Re: NTP Daemon

Stefan Monnier wrote:
I'm looking for a simple NTP client daemon to synchronize the time on
my debian server. I'm testing openntpd but I've this error message:
adjtime failed: Invalid argument

Could someone help me or suggest something?

"aptitude install ntp-server" and off you go.

I believe it's now called just `ntp'.

I know it's called a "server" and you want a "client" but there's not really
much difference with NTP and the default configuration should be exactly
what you want.

Indeed.  Incidentally `openntpd' is also both a client and a server.
Openntpd is OK but it seems that it was developped for a kernel whose
time-tracking facilities are not as sophisticated as Linux's (at least they
don't use them).
did the following on my recent Sarge install, works like a charm:
apt-get install ntp ntp-doc ntp-server ntpdate

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