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Re: thunderbird issue

On 09/28/2006 09:21 PM, Mark Grieveson wrote:
I use the Thunderbird email client. Sometimes I can't read the messages in the Debian User Digest emails, because the pane showing the attachments is so large that it presents just a tiny slit for displaying the message (the attachment pane crowds out the message display pane). I've tried resizing the pane, but to no avail. If anyone knows how I can solve this, I'd appreciate it.


Join the support-thunderbird mailing-list at http://lists.mozilla.org and try your question there. There is a 90% chance that the right setting in <Profile>/chrome/userChrome.css will shrink the attachments pane for you, e.g.

#attachmentPane {
  max-height: 20em !important

That probably won't work, but that's the general idea. Find out what the chrome name is for the attachment pane and set its maximal height. Unfortunately, I happen to not know what the chrome name is for the attachment pane, and Thunderbird doesn't seem to have a DOM inspector (at least not here).

Just forward this entire message to that list after you subscribe.


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