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Re: Music lovers! Cakewalk?

"s. keeling" <keeling@spots.ab.ca> wrote:

> Hans du Plooy <koffiejunkielistlurker@koffiejunkie.za.net>:
> >  On Wed, 2006-09-27 at 03:48 +0000, s. keeling wrote:
> > > I've a co-worker I'm trying to convert to Linux.  He's a musician, and
> > > his primary app in $REDMOND is something called cakewalk.  I've no
> > > idea what that is (I'm not a musician).  Is there anything in the
> > > Linux/FOSS world that's equivalent/related/worth looking at?
> > > Suggestions welcome.  "apt-cache search cakewalk" turns up nothing
> > > useful (sarge).
> > 
> >  Cakewalk is (as far as I remember - it's been years) a music
> >  notation/midi sequencer program.  The closes thing that I know of is
> >  Rosegarden and Noteedit - I haven't used either so I can't tell you if
> >  it's any good.
> Henry, Hodgins, Hans, thanks very much.  I'll look into all your
> suggestions.  Hans:
> >  You might also look into Studio64 - it's a Debian based distro that's
> >  got all the sound stuff already setup and integrated.
> (from the review at www.freesoftwaremagazine.com, mentioned on
> distrowatch):
>    "So the goal of 64 Studio Ltd. is to create a native x86_64
>    distribution with a selected set of creative tools and as much
>    integration between them as possible."
> ... Specifically for 64 bit systems.  I'll have to look into that
> (dunno what he's running yet; still pretty preliminary stages here).

If he is going to install sarge, make sure he installs the alsa-base (I
think) package, in order to use alsa. Alsa is much better suited
(quality, performace) for musicians then oss.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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