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Re: copy a dvd

On Mon, Sep 25, 2006 at 10:53:52AM -0400, H.S. wrote:
> Doesn't dd serve the same purpose?
> Use dd to copy the data:
> $> dd if=/dev/dvd of=dvddata.iso
> and then burn the iso to a blank disk using growisofs.

I think the issue is that if you use consumer-grade DVD media, it is not
capable of holding the "key" track.  That is, professionally authored
DVDs with CSS place the key in a special track along the outside of the
disk (or something like that).  For consumer-grade media, the
manufacturer pre-burns that track so that it cannot be burned again, or
omits it.  Thus, many DVD copy tools rely on the ability to decrypt the
data first and then burn it to DVD.  Without that step, I believe that
you end up with a disk that you cannot play.

Of course, I have not actually tried this, so I could be dead wrong.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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