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Re: Odp: Re: is it possible to create a black box with debian?

"La imaginación es más importante que el conocimiento." Einstein

SCJP 1.5 ( Sun Certified Java Programmer)
Linux user 300141

Am 2006-09-12 10:07:25, schrieb Zbigniew Wiech:
> Hi,
> Do I understand well, this blacbox would act as a private http server
> located near end customer ?
> Why not set a real website, with cheap internet access and "thin" discless
> client in untrusted location ?

Specific conditions not included in my question make it impossible to implement this way

Possible he is working for a three letter agency
and want to sniff the network...  =8O

It's not the case, just accept my question as a professional doubt like any other question on the list, if you have the answer I'll accept it, even

'imposible to implent'

could be an answer too.


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