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Kernel 2.6.18-rc7 Debian


Ill compiling my own kernel. i´ve downloaded the archive and unpacked the archive.

This is my directory:

rwxrwsr-x  5 root src      4096 Sep 14 11:35 .
drwxr-xr-x 12 root root     4096 Jul 19 14:08 ..
drwxr-sr-x  2 root src      4096 Sep 14 11:54 kernel-patches
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root src        16 Sep 14 11:03 linux -> linux-2.6.18-rc7
drwxr-xr-x 19 root root     4096 Sep 14 11:36 linux-2.6.18-rc7
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 52467944 Sep 14 09:22 linux-2.6.18-rc7.tar.gz


#make menuconfug

Next i will create my debian-package and will include the new patch.

# make-kpkg kernel_image --revision=jan-1.0 --append_to_version jan-1.0 --added-patches=patch-2.6.18-rc7

The Error: debian/ruleset/misc/patches.mk:104: *** Could not find patch for patch-2.6.18-rc7. Stop.

My patch is under /usr/src/kernel-patches/patch-2.6.18-rc7.

If i run the process without --added-patches, then i become this error:

====== making target configure-indep [new prereqs: stamp-configure-indep]====== ====== making target stamp-configure [new prereqs: configure-arch configure-indep]======
Problems ecountered with the version number jan-1.0.
The upstream version jan does not contain a digit

Please re-read the README file and try again.
exit 2
make: *** [sanity_check] Error 2

Ich habe read the README and man pages again, but i cannt locate my mistake.

I hope everyone can help me.

So long


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