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Automatic logout for inactive login sessions

Hi All,
(This is my 3rd attempt to send this email... Trying plain text this time.)
Is there a method to log users out after 30 minutes of inactivity?
By inactivity, I mean:
1) No i/o from/to the user's session on any file descriptor
2) No user owned processes actively utilizing resources (disk i/o, cpu, etc.) So, after 30 minutes of meeting the above specs, take down the login session automatically. I'm not sure how it was handled long ago on SCO OS5, but they had a login setting called IDLETIME that was stored in /etc/default/idleout that worked on 5.0.5 and higher... I checked login, sysconfig/*, pam, etc. and did not see anything related to this concept...
Thanks for any ideas you may have,
Larry Irwin

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