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Re: Debian Sarge screen refresh rate

On 09/06/2006 02:57 AM, Rocky Ou wrote:

I used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 to configure my monitor refresh rate
to Vertical 70-75 and Horizontal 80-85. in /etc/X11/XFConfig86-4 it shows
what I just configured with dpkg-reconfigure. The problem is it actually
does not act that way. The actual refresh rate is far more less. It is not a
laptop and it is not LCD screen. Can any of you help me please? BTW,
aptitude update and aptitude upgrade does not help neither.

Thanks a lot in advance!

Find out the actual refresh rates and plug them into XF86Config-4. You can probably find this information in your user manual for the device, or you can check the manufacturer's or vendor's web site.

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