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Re: (OT) Prejudice against sendmail?

On Fri, Sep 01, 2006 at 01:11:53PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> It's a monolithic setuid binary. It's flawed by design, IMHO. Points
> 1 and 3 above are just direct consequences of that.
> Without trying to be religious or anything of that sort, I can
> recommend postfix without restrictions to most anyone -- it has an
> excellent security track record, a large support community, great
> documentation, and it's really not that complex (even though it can
> be, once you start doing more advanced stuff).
> Other people will recommend and say the same about exim or the various
> other MTAs. In the end, the choice is yours.

Exim, Postfix and qmail are the big three contenders to answer
the question "sick of sendmail, what else is reliable?"

Exim is the Debian default. 

Postfix is nearly as well supported by Debian, and certainly has
a large general user community. The Postfix FAQ has never failed
to answer my questions.

qmail has the least Debian support, due to uninteresting
licensing issues, but has a large user community and excellent
documentation (www.lifewithqmail.org, qmail.org). It runs nicely
on Debian systems, and is unlikely to require upgrading.

There are presumably some people running Courier-MTA; many more
people use Courier's IMAP system in combination with qmail or


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