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Etch, Update => Booterror

/ on hdb2 with ext3

After 'aptitude update' and 'apt-get upgrade' on my server occurs a boot 

During upgrade a new kernel 2.6.18 was announced and a reboot after update was 

While booting I get the grub-menu and on chosing the regular option, the 
screen reads:

root (hd1,1) - this is correct and according to device.map: hdb=hd1

But then:

filesystem type unknown
partition type 0x82
kernel /boot/vmlin...... root= dev/hdb2 ro
Error 17 Cannot mount selected partition

Booting from hdd with SuSE and using fdisk, hdb2 is type 83 and not 0x82
hdb2 is mountable
fsck.ext3 /dev/hdb2 => okay

What to do about that?

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