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Re: Email programs that work.

Michelle Konzack wrote:

Am 2006-08-25 03:40:08, schrieb s. keeling:

I'm a mutt user myself, but balsa's not bad if you insist on a GUI
MUA.  I'm not very knowledgable about what it really can do (verify
gpg, thread, etc), but it was relatively usable when I found myself
forced to use it.  I agree with your other pronouncements.

I have tried "balsa" for years too, but it requires GNOME libs...

A thing which I do not use... only plain fvwm.
Ah! Another straight fvwm user. I have been devising plans to completely rid myself of the last vestiges of gnome and KDE (neither of which I ever used) that remain on my system. I finally decided that the best way was to do a clean install of Etch, instead of doing an 'apt-get dist-upgrade' as I would otherwise have done. That way I KNOW that there is nothing left. And, since I am switch to aptitude with Etch, if I do install something that requires such libs, if I decide to remove it, I know that the libs will go away with the package.

Marc Shapiro

No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.
What?! Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here.
Boom. Sooner or later ... boom!

- Susan Ivanova: B5 - Grail

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