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Re: IMAP clients and servers with SASL DIGEST-MD5

On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 14:06:41 -0300, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
<hmh@debian.org> wrote:

>On Mon, 28 Aug 2006, John Kelly wrote:
>> When searching for IMAP clients and servers with SASL DIGEST-MD5, I'm
>> overwhelmed by outdated information and dead projects.
>For servers: anything using Cyrus SASL will support DIGEST-MD5, and that
>includes Cyrus IMAPd (all versions).
>For clients: good luck.  Some implement it in buggy ways, even.

That's what I'm wondering about.  Not much point in having it on the
server, without some clients to use it.

I may consider deploying Cyrus, but first, I'm trying to assess the
prospective value of the effort.

I know about Dovecot, but it's still a moving target, too new for me.

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