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Re: Wrong font in OOo menu

On Fri, 25 Aug 2006 18:15:49 +0200
bdoedel@utanet.at wrote:

> Using Debian Etch and updating via aptitude 3 times a week.
> Since I updated OO to 2.0.3-2 a month or so ago, I can not use OO
> without considerable headache. I had and have installed the English
> version and everything went fine before. But now it's a mess. 
> EVERYTHING (litterally) that OO _itself_ shows me is in Greek
> characters, the menu, the help, the buttons... whatsoever. But the
> underlying language is _English_! As I still know from school the
> Greek alphabet I can read with considerable effort what is shown to
> me, but this is not as it should be I think.
> Well, I tried everything to find what I possibly had done wrong, some
> 10 times completely purging (all via aptitude of course) OO and
> reinstalling it, carefully looking if no dependencies were
> unfullfilled, nothing helped me out of the misery.
> Why I did not ask for help earlier? 
> The strange thing is, that when I use OO as _root_ everything is
> fine, only as _user_ I fall into the garbage. So, I thought, the
> fault lies with me. Especially because I also could not discover a
> bug-report on this matter still. But now I am almost desperate, where
> should I still look?

Look at the hidden .openoffice.org2 directory in your /home/username.
Delete it or fix it.

Does that help?

> Thanks for your tips and hints.
> With kind regards,
> Peter Holm.

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