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Re: Suggestion for offtopic-list

On Wed, 23 Aug 2006 22:04:09 +0300
Andrei Popescu <andreimpopescu@gmail.com> wrote:

> Why not simply create a debian-offtopic list?

Why not join the fray at the Mandrake (Mandriva) Off topic
list) we need some new victims ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H list members

The signup address is at http://mandrakeot.mdw1982.com/

and you dont even have to be mandrake/mandriva oriented :)

> Andrei

David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
dfox@tsoft.com                            change magnetic patterns
dfox@m206-157.dsl.tsoft.com               on your hard disk.

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