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Re: installation guide

On Sun, Aug 06, 2006 at 07:45:46AM +0400, Nasi wrote:
> I already installed Debian in my systiem.
> when reboot asked login name & passward
> after entering this a promt coming like "username@debian:~$"
> what is next
> -- 
Hi Naseem,
Debian is designed to install the bare minimum so as to allow you to
choose exactly what you want and dont want. you have a server with no X
windows and just the basic GNU tools. You must decide what tasks that
you want to do and then determine what software you would use to do
this. 'apt-cache search KEYWORD' will help. After that, just 'apt-get
install PACKAGE' and look in the debian provided files in
/usr/share/doc/PACKAGE/* for some basic hints. Then search the net for
howto's or other folks hints. And of course there is also the option to
buy dead-tree tomes for even more info.
Beyond that, maybe install X windows like this:
apt-get install gdm gnome x-window-system
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