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Re: config file for bittornado command-line options?

On Thursday 29 June 2006 05:42 am, Anonyma wrote:
> I've been using the bittornado command-line clients on linux and I
> want to know how to set --max_upload_rate --max_download_rate
> --minport and --maxport somewhere like a home-directory dotfile so I
> don't have to remember to set them every time I run the command.
> I have a ~/.BitTornado directory but no config file in it. Where/how
> can I set these options?

My .BitTornado has a config file in it, which it seems was generated by 
the client.  Don't know why that happend with mine and not yours, but 
you can paste mine in.  The file name 
is '~/.BitTornado/config.gui.ini'.


--- begin config.gui.ini ---
# Generated by BitTornado/T-0.3.13
# 04/30/2006 02:48:19 PM

alloc_rate = 2.0
alloc_type = "normal"
auto_flush = 0
auto_kick = 1
bind = ""
breakup_seed_bitfield = 1
buffer_reads = 1
check_hashes = 1
display_interval = 0.5
double_check = 1
download_slice_size = 16384
expire_cache_data = 10
gui_checkingcolor = "8e 8e 8e"
gui_default_savedir = "/home/amax/rec"
gui_displaymiscstats = 1
gui_displaystats = 1
gui_downloadcolor = "d6 d6 d6"
gui_font = 10
gui_forcegreenonfirewall = 0
gui_ratesettingsdefault = "automatic"
gui_ratesettingsmode = "full"
gui_saveas_ask = -1
gui_seedingcolor = "00 ff 00"
gui_stretchwindow = 0
http_timeout = 60
ip = ""
ipv6_binds_v4 = 0
ipv6_enabled = 0
keepalive_interval = 120.0
last_saved = /home/amax/rec/foo
lock_files = 1
lock_while_reading = 0
max_connections = 0
max_download_rate = 0
max_files_open = 50
max_initiate = 40
max_message_length = 8388608
max_rate_period = 20.0
max_slice_length = 131072
max_upload_rate = 0
max_uploads = 7
maxport = 50229
min_peers = 20
min_uploads = 4
minport = 50201
random_port = 1
rarest_first_cutoff = 2
rarest_first_priority_cutoff = 5
request_backlog = 10
rerequest_interval = 300
round_robin_period = 30
saveas = ""
security = 1
selector_enabled = 1
snub_time = 30.0
spew = 0
super_seeder = 0
tcp_ack_fudge = 0.03
timeout = 300.0
timeout_check_interval = 60.0
triple_check = 0
upload_rate_fudge = 5.0
upload_unit_size = 1460
upnp_nat_access = 1
win32_taskbar_icon = 1
write_buffer_size = 4

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