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Re: Change screen resolution

lmyho wrote:

> All,
> I just installed debian on an older computer yesterday, but the screen
> resolution is so poorly set, which is actually different from the
> resolution I have set during the
> initial system configuration (much lower).  It looks really terrible and
> so uncomfortable!:((
> The screen can be set to much higher resolution (it was in a high
> resolution before
> install debian).  But I can't find from where I can re-set the X windown
> resolution! I have both gnome and kde installed, but no where I can find
> place to change the resoluion!
> Please anyone could tell me how can I change it?  the current too low
> resolution just kills me.:((
> All helps are highly appreciated.  Thanks!
> Leo
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>From the K Menu, select Control Center -> Peripherals -> Display.

Check the Apply settings on KDE startup box as well.

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