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Re: imap setup problems [Help, please]

> UW-IMAP does not have Maildir support.  You'll need to switch to 
> something that does (Courier-IMAP for example).

I just finished setting this up using bincimap (http://www.bincimap.org). It
has native maildir support, and is relatively easy to configure.  My whole
/etc/bincimap/bincimap.conf file is below.  The SSL section is optional;
http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/284 describes how to become
your own SSL certificate authority, if you want to run IMAPS (IMAP over

I run bincimap via xinetd; again the file is below.

For clients, no special configuration is required.  I just enter the IMAP
server's host name for the server name, and stay at the usual port 143 (or
993 for IMAPS).

Good luck,

=== /etc/bincimap/bincimap.conf ===

// Global configuration file for Binc IMAP. Some settings in this file
// can be overrun with command line arguments.

Authentication {
    allow plain auth in non ssl = "no",            /* allow login or
                                                      when not in
                                                      SSL/TLS mode */

    auth penalty = 4,                              /* on auth failure,
						    * server sleeps so
						    * many seconds
						    * before allowing
						    * client to
						    * authenticate
						    * again.
    disable starttls = "no"

Security {
    jail path = "/var/run/bincimapd",
    jail user = "nobody",
    jail group = "nogroup"

Log {
    type = "syslog",                             /* supports
						    * multilog or
						    * syslog or
						    * stderr (for testing).
    environment ip variable = "TCPREMOTEIP"

Mailbox {
    depot = "IMAPdir",                           /* Use IMAPdir style
						    * depot. */

    type = "Maildir",                              /* only Maildir
						    * support */

    path = ".mail",                              /* default path */

    auto create inbox = "yes",                     /* create INBOX in
						    * given format if
						    * it doesn't
						    * exist.

    auto subscribe mailboxes = "inbox",            /* list mailboxes
						    * in one string,
						    * seperated by
						    * commas

    umask = "077"                                  /* use this umask
						    * when creating
						    * mailboxes, or
						    * when copying and
						    * appending
						    * messages.

Session {
    idle timeout = 1860,                           /* idle timeout in
						      seconds */

    auth timeout = 60,                             /* timeout before
						      auth in
						      seconds */

    transfer timeout = 1200,                       /* timeout per
						      transferred com
						      unit (I/O) */

    transfer buffer size = 1024                    /* number of bytes
                                                      to buffer before
                                                      passing on to
                                                      client. */

    pem file = "/etc/ssl/CA/helium.key+cert.pem", /* private key and
                                                      chain PEM file
                                                      name */

    ca file = "/etc/ssl/CA/cacert.pem",            /* file to use as
                                                      authority */

    ca path = "/etc/ssl/certs",                    /* path to search
                                                      for more certificate
                                                      authorities */

    cipher list = "!ADH:RC4+RSA:HIGH:MEDIUM:LOW:EXP:+SSLv2:+EXP",

    verify peer = "no"

=== /etc/xinetd.d/imap ===

# Binc IMAP
service imap
    socket_type = stream
    wait        = no
    user        = root
    group       = root
    server      = /usr/sbin/bincimap-up
    server_args = --conf=/etc/bincimap/bincimap.conf --allow-plain --
/bin/checkpassword /usr/sbin/bincimapd

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