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Re: Mail Issues (pt 2 )

Richard wrote:
> and the fact is, coming from a Window and Mac back ground, it would
> appear, that I need some kind of support,
> hence asking the questions (over and over and over ) for the sake of
> protecting what is already running.

    Actually what you need is an understanding that in the unix world you get
tough love help.  You get told what's needed, not step-by-step, hand-holding,
silver-spoon instructions unless you have shown and demonstrated that you have
attempted any of the solutions provided and ask targeted questions on very
specific problem that you're having from your efforts.  You're asking for a

> I know exactly what I want, and still have not found the simplest easy
> method of obtaining
> the desire result with allot of coding of .config files. ( sure ) with a
> season vet, its next to nothing,

    Then maybe I should have said that you seem to be unsure on how to
communicate your desires.

> but to a (should I say it) NEWBIE, its a major task.. Perhaps you should
> ask, what skill set,
> someone is bring to the table first, this would save you some
> embarrassment.

    Who's embarrassed?  I'm not.  I'm writing these emails just before (or
just after) the work I get paid for.  This is a hobby of mine.  I really have
no vested interest in your system.  I simply see an individual who is
purposely slamming his face into the wall instead of walking through the door.
 I'm happy to point out that maybe walking through the door would be far less
painful than trying to create your own with your face.  But hey, you want to
keep face-planting against the bricks that's no concern to me.  I'll move on
and leave you to it.

> And Last, yes I do have a backup copy, of the mbox file, (that twice now)
> the question that I've posed, was one seeking new concepts, or try get
> to the solution
> that I was using on the Mac. ( now no longer ).

    You were given many answers that work quite well.  If you do not
understand those answers might I suggest researching them instead of
discarding them out of hand and stating the same question to the same set of
individuals mere days later.

    There's the door.  Your choice.  *wave*

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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