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Re: How to auto start Firestarter?

--- "Matthew R. Dempsky" <mrd@alkemio.org> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 11:03:46AM -0700, lmyho wrote:
> > Just checked, yes I have S20firestarter in rc2.d.  But I have no idea about the
> > rc*.d directories?  What are they for?  How does this link I have affect the
> start
> > of firestarter at bootup?
> The short story is that any script symlinked into /etc/rc2.d will get 
> executed while your system boots up.  (The long story involves sysvinit, 
> runlevels, and a few other concepts that I'm not well suited to 
> explain.)
> Since you have that symlink, I expect it should start the firestarter 
> daemon at boot time.  How are you checking that it's not running?
> Does ``invoke-rc.d firestarter start'' or ``invoke-rc.d firestarter 
> restart'' get it going?
Yes both command get it going.  Florian suggested to check after bootup by: iptables
-L, I checked, the firestarter is actually running.  I am not clear about it, but as
Andrei mentioned "Firestarter as such does not need to show up in processes, because
it just activates the native firewall contained in the linux kernel itself", it
probably doing so.  But I have more question about the displayed content of
'iptables -L' now, as the contents seems to have more ACCEPT than I want and what I
definded in through the gui of firestarter.  Why is this?  And how the contents of
iptables were defined?  Also how to modify them?

Another question is although the firestarter process auto-runs after bootup, can I
also make the gui part of firestarter also auto-run right after bootup?  I tried to
put sudo /usr/sbin/firestart --start and gksudo /usr/sbin/firestarter --start into
the Gnome menu Preferences->Sessions->Startup Programs, but none of them worked.  Is
there anyway to do this?

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