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Re: Upgraded to FVWM 2.5 and I need help.

I am running Sarge and I got everything from official Debian using apt-get. The only thing that is not official is my .fvwm2rc which is the same as the one I used with all previous versions of fvwm.


Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:

Ramasubramanian Ramesh wrote:

I recently upgraded from fvwm 2.5 from 2.4.x because I can no longer
find fvwm 2.4.x in stable.
Since the upgrade, I noticed a couple of issues that I hope you can help
to fix.

1) Each time I switch to a window on a different virtual area, it takes
an unually long time before the
   switch happens. However after a few switches, I can quickly get back
and forth. But, the swithcing fast
    as long as I am only doing that. If I do anything else, the same
delay comes back.
2) I used move windows by pressing and holding left botton on the title
and moving. Now I have to press
   and leave the button then move it and then press the button again.
Is there a way to go back to my
   old way of moving windows.
3) VNC viewer does not work with fvwm 2.5. Is there a known work around.


What are you running (Sarge/Etch/Sid)?  Where did you get your new fvwm
packages (official repo/backports/self-built)?


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