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Re: how to address people

On Wed, Mar 29, 2006 at 10:45:04AM -0500, Leonid Grinberg wrote:
> > Why not? Serena Cantor wants help.
> Because this is a list that is used specifically for Debian questions,
> and not for questions in general. For example, posting a question
> about how to best cook shrimp would be totally inappropriate, whereas
> posting a question about how to configure X is.
> Furthermore, at the risk of sounding like a typical RTFM-screaming,
> angry geek, let me say that this sort of information (about how to
> address people) is readily available online, and if the original
> writer would have only asked Google, this entire thread would not be
> in existence.
Hi Leonid,
it has been discussed that the is a list for debian user and has
discussed many, many OT things. We like to talk about stuff once in a
while. This is not allow on strictly techincal lists. 

As for Google, She is in China and well Google.com != Google.cn.
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