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Re: Firefox segfaulting on pages w/java applets

Am Mittwoch, 22. März 2006 00:25 schrieb Marc Shapiro:
> I am running Sarge with the stock Debian kernel 2.6.8-2-k7.
> Until recently I was using Sun's j2re1.4.2_01, but I have recently
> installed jdk1.5.0_06, since I want to teach myself some java.  I think
> that somewhere, something is confused over the version to use.
> I have had Firefox simply die on me when going to some pages (I do not
> remember which ones at this time).  I could access these pages with
> Opera with no problems.  I could also switch to another VT, under my
> wife's login and access the same page with Firefox and have no
> problems.  (My wife only recently started using a seperate logon, so it
> is possible that her account never used v1.4.2.)
> I just tried to run the demo programs included with jdk1.5.0_06 and I
> had the same problem.  I can run the applets under Opera in my account,
> and under Firefox in my wife's account, but NOT with Firefox in my own
> account.
> If I start Firefox from an xterm I can see that it segfaults when it
> tries to access any of these demo HTML pages.
> Can anyone give me a clue where to look to determine what is causing
> this problem?
> --
> Marc Shapiro
> No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.
> What?! Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here.
> Boom. Sooner or later ... boom!
> - Susan Ivanova: B5 - Grail

Maybe you have an old link in ~/.mozilla/plugins/ ?


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