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Re: Debian newbie -Please help!! X server problem!

On Wednesday 22 March 2006 00:09, lmyho wrote:
> Dear all,
>   I am totally newbie to Debian.  I heard a lot about it's so good,
> so I tried to install it on my Dell Dimension 4550, with Win XP home,
> using mini CD install through network.  The installation seemed OK,
> however it was all text sceen during and after the installation.

That's normal.  Debian setup is all text.

>   I didn't found anything like the words X or X11 stuff in my system
> after the installation, I don't know why??  But anyway, following
> what I heard, I did "apt-get installx-window-system-core" and
> "aot-get install gnome", "apt-get install gnome-bin", also "apt-get
> install kdebase", trying to get the X stuff.  All installations
> seemed OK and no errors.  Then I loged out and thued the computer off
> by turninf off the power.
>   When I reboot the system, the screen flashings three times at the
> moment when the running words supposed to stop and let me login. It
> turned to a balck screen and came back and to black screen again and
> came back again..., and then hung and displayed a message said"
> Failed to start the X server. it is likely that it is not set up
> correctly.  Would you like to view the X server output to diagnose
> the problem?"  I would like to , but the screen actually has died and
> just hung there not responed to any keybord strikes at all!  So I
> have to turn off the computer again, and again....

You've done a good job of describing the symptoms, but there are still 
several things it could be (perhaps someone more experienced than I 
could narrow it down from what you've said).  Are there any other error 
messages that appear?

>   Please could anyone tell me what's wrong here and how can I fix it?
>  I totally lost. :(( And by the way, I couldn't use my mouse, and the
> screen display was only big text characters, why does it like this?

If anyone can help you fix it, the people on this list can.  It's a 
quite knowledgeable group of people.  Just be patient because it may 
take either a few attempts or more information.


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