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Re: Upgrade frustrations (in testing) with shorewall crashes, clock troubles, tomcat4 crashes

Michael Bonert wrote:

> On shutdown I was getting something like this:
> -----
> Shorewall:net2all:DROP:IN=eth0
> OUT=MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:06:25:f0:a9:d3:08:026369 PROTO=UDP SPT=29943
> DPT=152 LEN=128
> -----
> I couldn't do anything about it.  It seemed to be stuck in a loop... where
> the numbers after 'SPT=' where increasing.
> Unplugging the network cable-- stopped the loop... no more text was
> printed to the screen.

That suggests that something on your network is sending packets from
steadily increasing port numbers that Shorewall (well, iptables in the
kernel) is blocking and logging.  Have you checked your logs to see if this
is happening even before you shutdown the computer?  Or is something that
happens at shutdown causing something else on the network to send these
packets?  (That would be strange.)

A quick Google search shows that port 152 is for bftp, "background file
transfer program".  Never heard of it before, myself.  A quick check of
netstat on my PC doesn't show that port being used.  A quick "apt-cache
search bftp" didn't turn up anything.

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