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Re: sudo doesn't set HOME

Jon Dowland spake thusly on 03/06/2006 06:38 AM:
On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 04:21:05AM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom
1.6.8p7-1.3 does not set some ENV variables because it was
deemed this was a security risk. As a result it functions
differently than previous versions and you have to fiddle
with sudoers to get it to behave as it did before.

More precicely, 1.6.8p7-1.3 moves from a blacklist model
(where known-dangerous environment variables were stripped)
to a whitelist model (where you have to explicitly name the
environment variables to retain in the sudoers file).

Now all one has to do is figure out what those are......
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