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Re: Installing fonts

On 3/4/06, cga <cga2000@gmail.com> wrote:

> >do dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig. It will config allfonts. whenever you
> >add fonts do this.

> Followed your recommendation but this seems to be mostly about
> font-rendering choices. I saw that it did regenerate fontconfig's font
> cache but where it went looking for fonts is unclear. For instance if I
> had copied the MS fonts to ~/msfonts.. how would it have found them..?
> And where does the famed debian font manager - aka defoma.. come into
> the picture..?
> Anyway, everything seems to be working no different than before I did
> the "dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig" ... down to the output of fc-list..
> still spits out the same unprintable garbage.

You put the fonts in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/win98 for all users if
you have root access or put it in ~/.fonts and then do
dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig.
Then all fonts will be available. This is what I do in both sarge and sid.
linux user No.205042

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