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Re: dead_keys

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
Maurits van Rees wrote:
On Sun, Feb 12, 2006 at 09:54:28PM +0100, steef wrote:
in dutch we use on some fonts accents. normally under linux_unix so_called DEAD_KEYS regulate this. i cannot find them in/under debian_sarge in /etc/Xconfig. please can somebody tell me how to activate the DEADKEYS under sarge, so that i can use them accents *standard* with openoffice2.0.

This should be handled by your display manager (KDE, Gnome, etc).  Use
the config tools of your display manager to add a new keyboard layout.

I have KDE in Dutch, so I'll give directions using the Dutch titles:
go to "Configuratie Centrum", then "Regio en toegankelijkheid", then
"Toetsenbordindeling", then add "V.S. Engels met dode toetsen
(us_intl)" to your available keyboard layouts (possibly make that the
only one or set it as the standard).  Switch layouts with CTRL-ALT-K.

Note: I also use the Belgian layout which gives easy access to
e.g. the euro sign with RIGHT_ALT-E.

But with "only" a window manager like FVWM?

I have deadkeys (I think!) by specifying:

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Keyboard0"
        Driver          "keyboard"
        Option          "XkbKeymap"       "xfree86(us_intl)"

in XF86Config-4.


............yes, that is correct. the solution for kde did not work out well for xfce4, desktop on one of my hd's with debian. my problem *was* the correct annotation in /etc/x11/&&.
so i did (after some_searching) what you did, and it works perfectly.

look: ë  è  etc. etc.



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