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Re: Modifying the title of a Firefox window?

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Marc Shapiro wrote:

Johannes Wiedersich wrote:

Erwin Rennert wrote:

that sounds like fun ... but OTOH, that's what user accounts are for.
Why don't you use your own account and make it accessible on your wife's desktop with the help of tightvnc or something similar?

Short of that the obvious solution seems to be that you use mozilla-suite and your wife uses firefox. Then even the design of the respective windows is different, further reducing the risk of occasional human mistake...

Mozilla-suite does not seem to keep form/field completion information like firefox does. We both like the way firefox handles that.

I may just have to convince my wife to use the seperate user account that I set up for her on the system long ago. That way we can both be logged on and have our own seperate X sessions active in seperate virtual terminals. Her X screen background is green and mine is blue, so we have a visual distinction and the running programs are kept seperate since we have seperate logons.

BTW, is there any programatic way to determine which virtual terminal you are in?

Better yet, buy another videocard+monitor+keyboard+mouse and you can both be on at the same time:

Not enough space in this little apartment !:-(

Marc Shapiro

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