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Re: syntax error in /etc/init.d/boot_xconf

Am 2006-01-08 15:18:21, schrieb Eike Lantzsch:

> iptohex () {
>     IP=$1
>     HEXIP=$(for ALL in $(echo "$IP" | tr "." " ") ; do
>       if [ $ALL -lt 16 ] ; then
>         echo -n "0$(echo -e "obase=16\n$ALL" | bc)"
>       else
>         echo -n "$(echo -e "obase=16\n$ALL" | bc)"
>       fi
>     done
>     echo )
>     LENGTH=8

???  this is a string  -  use:    let LENGTH=8

>     while [ $LENGTH -gt 0 ] ; do
>       echo $HEXIP
>       let LENGTH=($LENGTH - 1)				*(	-- line 43	)*

???  -  use:    let LENGTH=$LENGTH-1

>       HEXIP=$(echo $HEXIP | cut -c -$LENGTH)
>     done
> }

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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