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Re: Crashes and lock-ups in Sarge

Felix Karpfen wrote:
Since October 2005 I have  been experiencing repeated crashes and
lock-ups - of varying degrees of seriousness.

Initially, I attributed these to some software incompatibilities and
sought advice in the relevant "users groups".

And was advised that it sounded like a "hardware problem" - my HD was
on its way out.

Each subsequent crash re-enforced this diagnosis; so I have purchased
and installed a new HD (and a new cable - just in case).  "Debian 3.1
r1" should be arriving within the next few days and my main remaining
question appeared to be:

"Do I start from scratch or copy my existing setup to the new HD
before it dies and refuses to be revived"

You could save your package information:

$ dpkg --get-selections "*" >myselections

and use the file myselections (saved on floppy) for restoring it

$ dpkg --set-selections < myselections

followed by aptitude after the base install.

You could also try to backup your /etc/ if there are important config-files.


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