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Re: how do i downgrade to xfree86 on sid?

Matt wrote:


Thanks for the tip, I'm working on it right now, but was just wondering if you know of a "clean" way of doing this. currently, i'm planing on removing x-org related packages, editing my sources.list to point to sarge, then apt-get installing the xfree packages. however, when i apt-get upgrade with sid repositories later, xfree will be replaced with xorg due to the xserver-xorg transitional package.

so, is there a way to stop a certian package from being upgraded?


At least with aptitude you can indicate a package must be kept in it's current version; unfortunately, I do not know how to do this with dpkg/apt-get (I think it's probably done by apt-get in some way, but I haven't found how to tell apt-get to do that, manually)

(Though I hope the post on xfree86 drivers in xorg will help you find a way to do it in xorg -- it will be less work, you'll be using pure-sid etc ;-) )



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