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Command-line/batch tools for handling mail attachments?

I'd appreciate any pointers to some command-line tools for doing the

(1) Take mail and news messages as input files and produce as output
    files the same messages but with all the attachments, HTML parts,
    and other non-plain-text stuff deleted, keeping the headers and
    the plain-text of the body, as if the sender had written the
    message without attachments or HTML.

    What I really want to do is use maildirs and news spools as input
    and produce a directory of cleaned files, which will then be used
    for corpus linguistics. But if I can find a straight filter
    program (stdin, stdout) and I can write a script to find -exec it.

    I looked at mimefilter but I don't want to generate outgoing
    messages to the senders and all that.

(2) Take a mail message file as input and output a directory
    containing separate files of the decoded attachments and the text
    of the message (preferably with the mail headers).

    This would be for archiving my own e-mail.


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