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Re: Re: udev package and sysvinit

I installed KDE 3.4. I ended up loading quite a bit from testing. I have more system difficulties that I need to work through.
UDEV 0.076-6:
I have the following in my interfaces files and it used to work.

auto lo
allow-hotplug eth?
mapping eth?
 script /usr/local/sbin/get-mac-address.sh
# network card Kingston KNE111TX was eth1
 map 00:C0:F0:77:D1:D2 net1
# linksys usb200m was eth2
 map 00:13:10:5E:38:EB usbNet1
iface lo inet loopback

iface net1 inet static

iface usbNet1 inet static

I have a /etc/udev/ruls.d/010_local.rules file. I tried the link idea but I could not get udev to re-read the rules, until I put the file in the rule.s directory and found that udev automatically refreshed a file that was changed. I could also touch the linked file. When I installed udev, I had read that udev did not handle network devices. It must have been old information that I see has changed. My rules file contains:

BUS=="scsi", SYSFS{vendor}=="FUJIFILM", SYSFS{model}=="USB-DRIVEUNIT   ", NAME="%k", SYMLINK="S3100Camera"
# network card Kingston KNE111TX was eth1
KERNEL=="eth*", SYSFS{address}=="00:c0:f0:77:d1:d2", NAME="net1"
# linksys usb200m was eth2
KERNEL=="eth*", SYSFS{address}=="00:13:10:5e:38:eb", NAME="usbNet1"

After adding the net1 and usbNet1 lines, I must do "ifup usbNet1" to get my network operational. Since I still must do the ifup, I tried to go back to what I had by commenting out the lines in my rules file. Something else has changed and without them I can no longer get my any network interface to work (there is no eth0, eth1, eth2, net1 or usbNet1 device). As my interrest is now peeked, I hope to get the time to look at the udev code to see what is going on.

About 3 weeks a go I installed hplip from testing. After I did that, Firefox would hang and lock-up. I found if I left Mozzilla open, it worked better, but it was slow. So I started using Konqueror, after the last update to KDE 3.4, my system has slowed considerably. It is hard to say why. Konqueror drives me up a wall in that I do not see how to change the default mail client (it starts kmail which is not configured), so I send posts manually and sometimes they do not go the way I intend. It will be interesting to see if the list figures this one out.


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