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Re: Compiling Kernel for Bootsplash: The Whole Seven Metres.

On 9/14/05, Seeker5528 <seeker5528@comcast.net> wrote:
On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 18:01:47 +0530
"L.V.Gandhi" <lvgandhi@gmail.com> wrote:

> > On a side note I had installed the boot-icons package sometime in the
> > past and never got around to getting it operational and it started
> > working too.
> >
> > I installed it. It shows tux image. No show of % progress of booting or
> any progress bar. Other than tux image, what is it supposed to do? How to
> configure it to get that.

The progress bar stopped working for me on one of my kernel upgrades,
but then there was a splashy update that fixed it after that, I didn't
do any poking around while it was broken to attempt fixing it and both
have had updates since then without losing the progress bar.

The boot-icons package when used by it's self should give you icons
accross the top of the screen indicating the progress, while the text
scrolls below as normal.

In combination with splashy I see the first progress icon, then the
splashy image, then the rest of the progress icons display over the
top of the splashy image.

Also if you are running a stock debian kernel with grub as the boot
loader you should not edit the automagic kernel entries you should
instead find the kopt= line it the grub menu.lst file:

# kopt=root=/dev/hda3 ro

: and add the vga= option for whatever mode you prefer there:

# kopt=root=/dev/hda3 ro vga=0x317

: keeping the hash symbol as indicated at the top of the file. Then open
a terminal window and type:


: to activate the change. Using this method the option will be carried
forward as you install kernel updates.

Thanks for the response. splashy-0.1.5 versions didn't show progress bar with debian sarge stock 2.6.8-2-386 kernel. But version 0.1.4 has given me the picture and progress bar while 0.1.5 gave only picture not progress bar.
Thanks for the tip of not removing hash in front of kopt. I will try with that.
What is this boot-icons package. I don't have in stable repository.

linux user No.205042
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