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Re: Compiling Kernel for Bootsplash: The Whole Seven Metres.

Brian Nelson <pyro@debian.org> wrote:
| "David R. Litwin" <presently42@gmail.com> writes:
| > Before I go any further, yes, I need bootsplash: My computer is dual-boot and
| > the other user insists on A: Using Windows and B: Shutting Down every Evening.
| > In addition, I shall be getting a lap-top soon. (By the bye, why doesn't
| > Debian have Bootsplash as a standard?)
| >
| > I know I need to compile a kernel (which I can do with synaptic and
| > kernel-package) and then patch it.
| >
| > I do not know how.
| >
| > I have skimmed through a HOWTO or three. However, they aren't quite answering
| > my questions. So, allow me to elaborate, if you will.
| >
| > Firstly, I need to get linux-source-2.6.12 from the Debian archives (with
| > Synaptic, in my case). Do I need linux-patch-debian-2.6.12 or
| > linux-tree-2.6.12?
| I find it easiest to just grab the vanilla sources straight from
| kernel.org.  The Debian ones tend to be crippled and patched, which
| makes it a pain to apply new patches.
| Basically, the steps are:
| 1. Download the kernel source
| 2. Extract it to /usr/src, or wherever you'd prefer
| 3. Download the bootsplash patch from http://www.bootsplash.de/files/
| 4. 'cd' into the extracted kernel source directory and run 'patch -p1
|    /path/to/bootsplash.diff'
| 5. Run 'make menuconfig', customize as needed, and be sure to set
| 6. Run 'make-kpkg kernel_image'.  See /usr/share/doc/kernel-packages for
|    lots more info.
| 7. Use 'dpkg -i' to install the newly build kernel package
| > Next, I need use kernel-package. How do I do this? What of menuconfig or some
| > such thing? Must I 'do' this as well?
| >
| > There is also the matter of Patching. When and how do I do this so that I will
| > have Bootsplash? There is an entry for Sources.list, so I can acquire that
| > which I need from the Bootsplash web-site. But, what do I need? How do I
| > implement this?
| Add to the /etc/apt/sources.list:
|   deb http://debian.bootsplash.de unstable main
| And then install:
| bootsplash
| bootsplash-theme-whatever
| And probably sysv-rc-bootsplash if you want a working progress bar.
| It looks like they also have some packages for apply the kernel patch,
| but I've never bothered with those.
| I think that's about it...
| -- 
Thanks for the tut..
But after downloading a vanilla linux- kernel,
the  patch -p1 --verbose bootsplash-3.1.6-2.6.12.diff 
don't work. (nothing happen)
Have to ^c to stop it after 30min.

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