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Re: starting X makes the screen go white (newb - new install)

jeroen wrote:

> I used apt to get me the files i needed during the installation (i 
> did have to do an 'ifup -a' to get the network up - and still have to 
> after every reboot - but that's slightly OT here).

Take a look at "/etc/network/interfaces" (also "man interfaces" for
examples). Once configured, a simple "/etc/init.d/networking restart"
(or reboot, which will run this script during bootup) should get your
network up.

> Once i got the machine to boot from its own HD i though it would be 
> nice to have GUI to learn my way around debian (and linux in general).
> --/intro----
> fresh install
> i did:
> #apt-get install x-window-system
> #apt-get install gnome
> immediately after this i used vi to change my /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.
> The most important change i did was adding this modeline:
> ModeLine "1024x480" 65.00 1024 1032 1176 1344 480 488 494 563 -hsync -
> vsync
> together with some other minor changes i found on http://www-
> jcsu.jesus.cam.ac.uk/~mma29/c1/
> #startx
> works fine (this means it starts up ;-/ ), the only thing i get to 
> see is a black screen which bleeds to a very white blue (starting at 
> the edges). Some vertical and horizontal lines can be seen as well, 
> all at the edge of some very white colours.
> Some pictures i took during this  happening can be found here:
> http://www.yuru.be/debian/startx_1.jpg  (going from 1 to 6)

These images look like your video settings are not suitable for your
hardware; what happens if you remove that ModeLine you added?

What other minor changes did you make?

> The only way to get me out of this white hell is by tapping Ctrl-Alt-
> F1, followed by Ctrl-C to stop the X server.

Ctrl-Alt-Backspace should kill it from within X.

> With my limited knowledge i though i could have forgotten to add a 
> window manager

I don't think so; this looks like a video sync -type issue.

> (didn't i read somewhere that this is not included in  gnome??) so i did
> #apt-get install fvwm
> nothing changed.
> So here i am writing this mail, hoping somebody here can put me on 
> the right track.
> Thx for taking the time to read this,
> Jeroen
> I would include my XFree86.0.log but i have no idea how to get it of 
> the laptop (skipped mail config in debian installer...)

Remember that USB disk you mentioned? I bet it works with USB fobs as well.

Kent West
Technology Support
/A/bilene /C/hristian /U/niversity

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